Luciano Cantoni

Executive, Business & Career Coach

Helping you channel your full potential

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About Me

My Story

More than 20 years of experience in marketing & business development. 

Strong passion about technology, sales and relationship skills. 

I’ve spent most of my professional experience (17 Years!) in one of the most innovative company in the world: Google.
Always passionate about personal and people development, I’ve experienced how powerful coaching approach could be, so I decided to learn more from one of the most prestigious school of coaching: Erickson Coaching International.

I am member of the International Coaching Federation and I’ve earned the Associate Coach Credential (ACC) form ICF

My Values & Beliefs

Coaching is a Partnership

I will always be at your side, to stimulate you to find your solution and your own path, my role will be provoking awareness and support your planning


I fully trust your skills and possibilities: you will always be in control of the session

Actionable outcomes:

We will always end a session with a “so what” and a action plan

Coaching is about the Future:

Always focus on what are your goals and objectives, I will support you in  defining activities that are in your control, achievable and accountable

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