Originally posted in June 2024  in  my Linkedin Newsletter “the Juggler” (Subscribe Here)

Why “another newsletter” and why “the Juggler”?

I’m living a very positive moment of my personal and professional life. For the first time I am a freelancer, working in several areas: coaching, DE&I, start-up, teaching.

I am aware of the path that led me here and I’m realizing how all the different experiences I’ve lived are combining when I have a coaching session, when I teach at a business school or during a DE&I workshop.

I feel like I am a juggler playing with different objects (ideas, subjects, expertise) trying to harmonize all, in order to give the best support possible to my client, student or just to a friend.

So, why not creating an open space where I’m covering several topics: Leadership, Digital, personal and professional evolution, Diversity & Inclusion?

Feel free to join the conversation, I hope this initiative will create a space of discussion and help us all to take some steps in the right direction.

Welcome, to the Juggler.

PS the image you see is the first attempt to use Generative AI to create a AI avatar of myself playing as a Juggler, feel free to suggest best AI tools that I can test to create new version of the juggler